Easiest Way to Develop a Good Communication Skills
Communication today plays a very important part in interacting with people. It reflects the attitude and behavior of a person. Whenever a person, suppose you interact with the other person it is important for you to first know the person, his attitude,what does that person want to express.
A person having the attributes of a good listening power and patience definitely wins in having a good talk with the other person.
Good Communication not only enhances your skills but also creates a good impact on your personality and leaves a good message on other person's mind about you.
Communication may vary regarding the age, gender, character, place but all teaches us to how to respond wisely and what to speak depending on kind of environment you are in.
Talking about in home we must develop a understanding and deep communication with our family members, respect in our words that is how our personality shapes while we respond to any situation at our home or with our family members. Your way of responding at home also affects the relations with your family members.
Talking about at External Environment which includes your communication with outside world either in public, college, school or any corporate sector your communication is what the person creates an image about you in his/her mind. It can be positive as well as negative depending on how you respond to others. Hence, communicating with different people can nurture your perspective on how to engage in talks with others.
For Developing a Good Communication Skills it is Important for you to :-
A) Listen to Others: Try to become a good listener and let other speak first. It is important to grasp other person's intention on what he/she is trying to convey to you regardless of the knowledge he or she has. It is proven today that people who develop a good communication skills are those who speak less and hear more to others. It helps to collect lot of information and ideas from others.
B) Think Before You Speak: There are certain times when you don't know what to speak or are over excited to speak extra that may hurt other's sentiments or reflect a wrong side of your image which you may not like to happen. So, it is better to think on what to say before you react yourself or interact with the other person.
C) Be Patient: The best way to have a good interactive session or communication with other people is to try to be patient or stop yourself for a moment you utter a word or sentence. It creates a good impact on your code of conduct and helps you to interact even better.
D) Have a good posture and body language: It may seem easy to have a word with others but in reality it is extremely important to be well dressed and your body language i.e. your way of acting or moving hands or incorrect posture or facial expressions can create a varied reflection of your personality in seconds. Try to have a good body language while talking to others.E) Try to Show a Good Smile while Interacting: Maintain a positive attitude and whenever you respond try to show the best facial expression of yours lined with smile on your face. This proves to engage more people with you and develop a good communication with other person.
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