
Showing posts from February, 2017
4                                                                      The Rising Sun  " Change the Way to Live and Think Because every Moment of Yours becomes the memory."      So, Let's be  be happy from now on , express our emotions openly with others, Live life freely ,independently relying on ourselves, meet good people around us, communicate and share our great thoughts, create great bonds of relations. Because we are born to create values, flow with the world, create wonders in the world . Thus,be the source of attraction and joy in the normal Life.
3                                                                     The Rising Sun                 Perfection is the basic thing which ruins every relation. Everyone wants other to be perfect, to work according to their will whether it be a boss, teacher, children, lovers etc. but the reality is no one is perfect, it’s the relation that is only  perfect, For finding perfection we are screwing the happiness of today.We all are humans & humans tend to make mistakes but through that mistakes we get to realize & improve ourselves, that’s what leads to the path for Perfection. We must not judge anyone because everyone is born with unique potential and ability to rise in the World, leaving everything unchanged. 
2                                                                      The Rising Sun  Life is Full of sentiments, religions, trends, fashion, food, lifestyle, technology. We humans are the creator of such lifeforce that’s why we alltogether create Life. The cry of the baby from her mother’s womb and coming up in the life is brought up by the parents , Life is created by them and thus without life , the Sun of Happiness can not Rise.
1                                                                 The Rising Sun                                                                                                                                                   -   Aditya Seth                                                             ...